Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Let Me Introduce Myself

Hi, let me introduce myself , I’m Shawnee Sagers and I am the 2008 National Little Britches Rodeo Association Princess. As the NLBRA Princess I get to travel a LOT and I really enjoy it. I have learned so much and I have made friends that will last forever.
I will spend a lot of time on this blog telling you about me, giving rodeo queen tips, and just having fun. Below I have listed some of the things I have found to be very valuable as a rodeo queen.

Now if you want to be a rodeo queen you will have to know 4 very important things.

1. Know that what you’re going to wear make sure fits the rules and fits you as well as possible. (try getting your clothes fitted so they fit you perfect)

2. If there is a speech make sure yours fits the topic farley well. Make sure you know your speech upside down and backwards. Also, make sure you keep the audience entertained. (especially the judges)

3. Please, please, please, remember your horsemanship pattern you would be surprised by how many girls don’t win because they messed up on horsemanship. Also practice, practice, practice so your horse is familiar with it to.( even if you get tired of it and you think you know it well enough keep practicing)

4. If you do not win make sure you don't cry, just smile and have a good attitude.(you can cry when you get home or inside your truck or trailer where peoople can not hear or see you)

Now that you know those things it's time for your mom to learn a little. She must start out knowing 3 very important things.

1. Get everything ready and loaded into whatever your taking to the contest the night before.(clothes, makeup, hair stuff, esc.)

2. Make sure you know exactly where the contest is at.and never be late so start running on queen time.(15 minuts early to everything)

3. 1 or 2 nights before put all of the clothes on your daughter and do her hair and makeup to make sure she looks good all together.

Keep checking back for mor information!!
Shawnee Sagers
2008 NLBRA Princess

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